IEEE IES Distinguished Lecture, Prof. K. Gopakumar (Indian Institute of Science) 技術講演会のご案内

IEEE IESでは,下記のとおり,Prof. K. Gopakumar (Indian Institute of Science) によるDistinguished Lectureを開催いたします.学生,技術者,研究者,教員に関わらず,ご興味のある方は奮ってご参加ください.

➤日時:2017年5月9日(火),15:20 - 17:00

➤場所明治大学 生田キャンパス A417教室
  〒214-8571 神奈川県川崎市多摩区東三田1-1-1
  生田キャンパス アクセスマップ
  生田キャンパス キャンパスマップ

”Low Order Harmonic Suppression in Induction Motor Drives with Dodecagonal Voltage Space Vectors”

Prof. K. Gopakumar (Indian Institute of Science),IEEE IES Distinguished Lecturer

  Multilevel inverters are preferred for variable speed drives due to its improved output voltage profile, less low order harmonic content and low dv/dt requirements for the devises etc.;. But the conventional multilevel voltage space vector structure has a hexagonal profile and it introduces the low order 5th and seventh harmonics especially in the overmodulation region. In this respect dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with increased modulation range and suppression of the fifth and seventh order harmonics is a viable alternative for the conventional hexagonal structure for the voltage space vector structure, for PWM control. The dodecagonal voltage space vector structure generation for an induction motor drive with a split-phase structure will be introduced in the first part of the lecture and then it will be extended to the normal three phase IM drive using a switched capacitive H-bridge acting as a 5th and 7th order harmonics, throughout the modulation range, in this talk. The switched capacitive filter with a capacitive fed H-bridge will only supply
reactive energy and the capacitor voltage can be balanced during the PWM control without any complexity. This will also enable the main inverter, delivering the active power to the load, to be switched with low PWM switching frequency.

K. Gopakumar received the B.E., M.Sc. (Engg.), and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1980, 1984, and 1994, respectively. He was with the Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, India from 1984 to 1987. He currently holds the position of professor at the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science. Dr. Gopakumar is a Fellow of
IEEE, Fellow of Institution of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineers, India and Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineers. He is currently serves as co-editor in chief of IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics and also a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). His research interests include PWM converters and high power drives.


久保田 寿夫 教授(明治大学) kubota(at)


(2017年4月21日 文責:三浦)